[기후·환경변화예측연구센터] TPSD2023: Energy Security에 초대합니다(9.14 ECC 이삼봉홀)
반기문재단-스탠퍼드대가 주최하고 본교가 공동주관하는 TPSD(Trans-Pacific Sustainability Dialogue) 2023에 이화인 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
시간: 2023.09.14(목) 08:30-09:00 (현장등록), 09:00-18:30 (본행사)
장소: 이화여대 ECC 이삼봉홀
내용: 패널토의(Theme: Energy Security)
- Pursuit of Energy Security With Energy Efficient Technologies and Solutions
- The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security
- Environment and Energy Security: Dialogue With the Future Generation
- Education and Energy Security: Dialogue With the Future Generation
- Equality and Energy Security: Dialogue With the Future Generation